Friday, August 1, 2014


At Stitch Pretty we have so much fun and I can just spend hours there.  I have added some more classes and workshops to the knitting schedule.  Intro to Knitting consists of four 2-hour classes every month where students learn the basics of knitting and end with a simple knitted cowl on circular needles.  The new workshops are below.  A fun time ahead!!

Sock knitting workshop -  August 12 and 19, 2014 from 6-8pm

Knit and felt a purse -  October 16 and 23, 2014 from 1-3pm (evening times upon request)

Knit-A-Bear workshop for kids who already knit  -  November 4, 10am-1pm. 

Monday, July 28, 2014


Summer has been very busy with fiber art camps and I have thoroughly enjoyed my young students and their enthusiasm to learn to knit.  In my next blog I will post some pictures of summer camp at Stitch Pretty and the awesome projects my students finished.  I hope to have my campers back later in the year for a Christmas workshop.

I have not had much time for knitting, but I am still working on some Nuno felted scarves.  I always try to use different silk fabrics and fibers to see what the outcome of this new blend on the scarves will be.  Recently I bought crinkle silk chiffon and I was happy with how quickly the roving felted through the fabric.  I also used a new roving called Malabrigo Nube hand painted roving by Paradise Fibers. The roving has beautiful colors and felted very quickly.  I left a comment on the website about how much I liked the way the Malabrigo Nube felted and would definitely use it again. I received a message back that they have never heard of anybody who felted with the Nube roving and wanted to post my projects on their project page.  One more thing on my to-do-list of projects.

Some of the scarves and jewelry bags below were done with the Malabrigo Nube handpainted roving.  The two jewelry bags and eyeglass cases were wet felted.

Purple Nuno Felted Scarf

Grey Nuno Felted Scarf

Jewelry bags

Eyeglass cases

I do want to spend so much more time on felting, but my knitting projects await!!
Till next time  ......