I finally found the lost camera, but then I did something that erased the camera software from the computer. Lucky for me I uploaded some pictures before I did that.
I have started back on knitting and felting purses and I am having a blast. So many yarns and colors to choose from. Funny how the idea for a purse starts. Sometimes it will be color of a yarn and other times it will be a flower or an eye catching button. I wanted to make a tote for my Bible study books and these colorful flowers were the inspiration. I made a bunch of these flowers to be used for future projects and just love the colors and the way they felted. I decided to make a tote and use the flowers for decoration. I love it, and everything fits perfectly inside my tote.
This picture shows the back of the purse. It was also the first time that I made bobbles on a purse and I think it looks very cute!
Watch my blog for more pictures to come. I have another purse in the final stages and as soon as it is done I will post the pictures. I can't wait to see how the colors turn out.
Till then, happy knitting!